for months i've been torturing myself...not the good pleasure-is-pain kind of torture, but the a small-part-of-my-soul-dies every time kind of torture. and this special kind of torture that is usally reserved for heartbreak is over *ahem* a laptop. i know, i know, what kind of absolute geek am i that i pine over technology...wait, i just answered my own question, that's exactly the kind of geek i am. anyway, they've had it on sale for the past few weeks, and the sale is over in a few days, and i can't decide whether or not to put yet another thing on my credit card and buy it or continue to stare longingly at it's image online and hope that somehow i'll be able to one day hold it in my arms. *sigh*
on the plus side i think my cold is going away. i hope. plus, it's the fourth and i am not among the drunk assholes who are currently flooding the streets of my city like oh so many rats just waiting for someone to turn on the water and drown them. although i'm against animal cruelty. as someone somewhere once said: let's celebrate our nation's independence by blowing up a small piece of it!
on the plus side i think my cold is going away. i hope. plus, it's the fourth and i am not among the drunk assholes who are currently flooding the streets of my city like oh so many rats just waiting for someone to turn on the water and drown them. although i'm against animal cruelty. as someone somewhere once said: let's celebrate our nation's independence by blowing up a small piece of it!

My tattoo is going to be an infinity symbol/mobius strip thing that I designed. It's gonna be on my back between my shoulderblades.
Agirls gotta do what a girls gotta do