I don't have much new but I thought I should do a Valentine's Day update.
So Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
This is the first Valentine's Day I've been single since I started dating, and I'm actually pretty excited. I'm going to see Casablanca with two very good friends of mine. I realized the other day that I'm single, not interested in anyone, and happy. That's the first time in my life I've ever had all three at once. It's pretty amazing.
Here's some V-Day candy for you:
So everyone should check this out:
It's seriously one of the most incredible art exhibits I've ever seen. I would love to actually see the exhibit in person.
We had a blizzard last night. It was pretty wonderful. I love living in New England when it snows - it's the after-snow that I don't like as much. I went out today and the streets were silent, deserted. I felt like the city was mine, to explore as though I had never seen it before, disguised under the snow.
I don't really have much else to day. Kelli is good, she has regular internet access and is attached to a MASH unit, which is great. School is oppressively busy. I'm so close to done.
This is a picture that was taken of me three years ago at school. Someone just emailed it to me, and it made me really nostalgic. It's starting to hit me that I'm almost done - that in less than a year I'll be graduated and moving on with my life. I'm excited, and sad. I love my University, and the people I've met there. It's been an amazing experience, and there was so much that I wanted to do that I didn't have time for. As with anything in life, I've done what I could - but I wanted so much more.

So Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
This is the first Valentine's Day I've been single since I started dating, and I'm actually pretty excited. I'm going to see Casablanca with two very good friends of mine. I realized the other day that I'm single, not interested in anyone, and happy. That's the first time in my life I've ever had all three at once. It's pretty amazing.
Here's some V-Day candy for you:

So everyone should check this out:
It's seriously one of the most incredible art exhibits I've ever seen. I would love to actually see the exhibit in person.
We had a blizzard last night. It was pretty wonderful. I love living in New England when it snows - it's the after-snow that I don't like as much. I went out today and the streets were silent, deserted. I felt like the city was mine, to explore as though I had never seen it before, disguised under the snow.
I don't really have much else to day. Kelli is good, she has regular internet access and is attached to a MASH unit, which is great. School is oppressively busy. I'm so close to done.
This is a picture that was taken of me three years ago at school. Someone just emailed it to me, and it made me really nostalgic. It's starting to hit me that I'm almost done - that in less than a year I'll be graduated and moving on with my life. I'm excited, and sad. I love my University, and the people I've met there. It's been an amazing experience, and there was so much that I wanted to do that I didn't have time for. As with anything in life, I've done what I could - but I wanted so much more.

And some of the girls claim to have the October one. So you never know!