things are better. getting crazy, two weeks left to do everything under the sun, but good. my journal hosted an open mic reading on thursday, which went really well. i read two new poems, and people asked me for copies afterwards! one girl said she was going to write a paper on one of them!!! i felt pretty awesome about that.
the books are coming along, i have a book release for the two chapbooks on december 10th which is exciting - we should have the physical books on monday. the journal is coming out on the 14th and we're starting to plan that. i really hate events sometimes, i'm always worried no one will come - it takes a lot out of me.
i still haven't done much work on my thesis, and need to have ten pages in two weeks. i can do it, i'm just a little nervous that it won't be any good. i finally checked my voicemail after a few days and had tweleve messages. sometimes i wish i didn't have a phone at all.
i'm leaving for florida for my cousin's wedding on the 14th, and won't be back until after christmas. we're going scuba diving in the keys after the wedding, and i can't wait! i'm going to have to bring work with me though, which sucks. and i'm still not all set for next semester's classes. everything just seems to be coming up all at once, and i'm starting to feel the ground slipping away from me.
but things are good. i just want to get through these thesises and be able to breathe again.
i've been partly regressing i think - i've been listening to a lot of music that i haven't in a while: mozart's requiem obsessively, lots of beethoven. it's comforting, but brings me back to all the years of heartbreak and anxiety in a kind of nostalgic way. i don't feel it anymore, but it's there like a shadow. i looked in the mirror yesterday and realized that i've become who i always wanted to be: someone strong and capable, intelligent and confident. it was wonderful and a little frightening, because i'm still very much alone.
anyway, enough rambling. this is a picture that gimmick took a few years ago for a sketch. i have the sketch up in my room, it's quite good - but i don't have an image of it.

the books are coming along, i have a book release for the two chapbooks on december 10th which is exciting - we should have the physical books on monday. the journal is coming out on the 14th and we're starting to plan that. i really hate events sometimes, i'm always worried no one will come - it takes a lot out of me.
i still haven't done much work on my thesis, and need to have ten pages in two weeks. i can do it, i'm just a little nervous that it won't be any good. i finally checked my voicemail after a few days and had tweleve messages. sometimes i wish i didn't have a phone at all.
i'm leaving for florida for my cousin's wedding on the 14th, and won't be back until after christmas. we're going scuba diving in the keys after the wedding, and i can't wait! i'm going to have to bring work with me though, which sucks. and i'm still not all set for next semester's classes. everything just seems to be coming up all at once, and i'm starting to feel the ground slipping away from me.
but things are good. i just want to get through these thesises and be able to breathe again.
i've been partly regressing i think - i've been listening to a lot of music that i haven't in a while: mozart's requiem obsessively, lots of beethoven. it's comforting, but brings me back to all the years of heartbreak and anxiety in a kind of nostalgic way. i don't feel it anymore, but it's there like a shadow. i looked in the mirror yesterday and realized that i've become who i always wanted to be: someone strong and capable, intelligent and confident. it was wonderful and a little frightening, because i'm still very much alone.
anyway, enough rambling. this is a picture that gimmick took a few years ago for a sketch. i have the sketch up in my room, it's quite good - but i don't have an image of it.

Sorry I missed you last night - I crashed out!
Feel 10,548 times better today though.
I've been meaning to ask you - have you ever seen Waking Life?
I really wanted to go...but sickness has once again foiled my plans and i spent the day in bed with my sinus infection.
I stll am interested in obtaining a copy of the book though, and i'm sorry i did not make it into boston to see the reading.
So far winter and colds are kicking my ass.