hey everyone...so...i'm about to become a beauty school dropout...but i'm gonna just transfer to another school so...really im not. hehe. but the whole fuckin story behind that is...well here goes.... so i've been depressed lately and have been calling in at school cause i've just been down in the depths lately and my parents found out because they called the school...well my parents were helping me...they were payin me 200 buckaroos a month (which aint jack shit to what i made while i delivered pizzas) but they also paid my bills..my phone bill and my school monthly tuition...so anyway..they found out and decided to cut me loose...shoved my bills back in my face and said "you're an adult. we're gonna treat you like one." this all happened when i didn't have any money cause i was waiting for my monthly check but instead of that i got my bills which are way past due...so i'm fucked. but it just pisses me off because they're the ones who made me quit my pizza girl job...dad thought it wasn't safe...and mom thought i needed to devote all my time to school so they paid me to not work...but i was fuckin way better off without them...i was fine...now i'm not...so here's the plan...i'm dropping out of paul mitchell...getting my unused hours refunded (bout 5 thousand bucks) using my refund as a cushion while i get a job (i think this family is going to hire me as their nanny). Or i'm gonna just tuck away my refund money and become a flight attendant (they pay about 20 somethin per hour) and then go to this cheap beauty college in visalia...their fuckin course is only 200 bucks...that's affordable...so hey..i'm not getting to graduate from paul mitchell, but i can still put it on my resume that i had most of my education there...so that's what's happenin with me...
new pics...new hair...i'm back to brown again
Me n Corey walking down these stairs at hearst castle
a pic of this fat dude that i took at pismo...c'mon now..his crack was fallin out...it was sooooooooo picture worthy.
my baby...
she curled up and was sleeping with her feet on her cheek...fuckin cutie!
she loves modeling
we love to cuddle
and play bite
he likes to lay on my butt when he has no pillow
we just look that happy cuz we're drunk (senior prom 04)
new pics...new hair...i'm back to brown again

Me n Corey walking down these stairs at hearst castle

a pic of this fat dude that i took at pismo...c'mon now..his crack was fallin out...it was sooooooooo picture worthy.

my baby...
she curled up and was sleeping with her feet on her cheek...fuckin cutie!

she loves modeling

we love to cuddle

and play bite

he likes to lay on my butt when he has no pillow

we just look that happy cuz we're drunk (senior prom 04)

i went to beauty school for a few months before i decided it wasn't really my thing. turns out, i like to do my own hair, but not other people's.
plus, my school was kinda crappy. have you decided what you're going to do yet?

I finished beauty school but never took my cosmetology test. Lol. Jut had school and wanted to go through pharmacy. So my mom respected that (she owns her own Salon) but I love messing with people's hair. Hehe