okay! so i'm all better and in good health..besides the fact that i started smoking ciggies again...i quit for about 2 weeks then i gave in! i can't help it! well i guess i can but im weak willed when it comes to bad habits :-/ lol. but hey! i went and bought this nasty lower calorie smoothie from jamba juice solely because if i bought one of those smoothies i'd get a 30 day free trial at any 24 hour fitness so i was like SUH-WEET i'm gonna get this smoothie..so i get the smoothie, then i zip on over to 24 hour fitness and i sign up for the free trial and they have me meet with this consultant dude who's such a good sales person that the next thing you know i'm walking out the door thinking "how the fuck did that happen?" because i ended up signing up for a monthly membership so now i bought the smoothie for no reason cause now i;m going to be paying all this money for a gym membership that my ass IS GOING TO USE because i aint payin 44 bucks a month to not use this shit so yeah my chunky lil body's gonna be a hard toned sexy body in no time! haha i should even be toned up by my next shoot...oh yeah i'm shooting a set in feb so i'll keep ya posted!
kenzie doll

<3 Alecks