Hello everyone! <3
Sorry I have not been updating like usual. Day job's got me working crazy hours, I went to Houston's Tattoo Extravaganza, and Gavelston Beach. Also started a new job/project on the side that I am super pumped about! First, to @rambo and @missy homework assignments! This one is a little easier than the rest, ha!
1. As a child, I was in choir; played the saxophone, drums, bass, and guitar; and was in theatre. I have always had an artistic side, I suppose.
2. I have two brothers who are 16 and 18 years younger than me. I helped my mom raise them for 2 years.

3. I have wrote down poems, thoughts, stories, anything that comes to my mind basically since I was about 7. I have collected about 2 dozen books (unpublished of course) that I have written since then. And I continue to write.
4. When I cooked pizza, Cheaters (the show on late night TV) was taping right in the alley. I left work and listened to the fight. Then I realized, THOSE WERE MY FRIENDS ON TV. No shit.
5. I love taking photos, such as this one. ^ I got robbed several times over the past years.
6. I have horrible short term memory loss. So I keep a little note book on me to write things down, if necessary.
8. I have always had a dry and strange sense of humor only a certain kind of person can understand. (I'm 15 in that picture. haha)
9. My first couple nick names were 'Messy Tessy' and 'Tubby Tess'.
10. My first job was making homecoming mums at Michaels when I was 13 years old. I lied to them, and my mom covered for me, then they found out how old I was, and I was 'taken off the schedule' since I was 'seasonal'. Psh. Retail.
OH, and look what I got in Houston! Go check out KC Baldwin at Chariot Tattoos!!!
Okay, that's enough for tonight. <3
xoxoxo kentessa