3 and a half years until I can retire from the National Guard. That time cannot come soon enough. I really don't know if I can stick it out that long. It's probably not PC for me to say this, because as a 16 year veteran I'm supposed to be super-dooper hoaah and patriotic and stuff but: I hate being in the military at this point. I'm just fucking sick of it.
I don't trust my countrymen, I don't trust 90% of the National Guard, and I damn sure don't trust the government. We have the weakest ticket that I've ever seen for both the Democrats and Republican running for President next year, and there isn't anyone among them who's really looking out for servicemembers. Just spouting empty rhetoric about "making America great".
I have a shitty attitude because I just don't care anymore. There is barely a country left to care about, as far as I can tell. It's owned by politicians and corporations. Most people in the Guard are just looking to get ahead, no matter who they have to fellate or stab in the back.
I hate being treated like I'm a mentally deficient 5 year old at drill and for 2-3 weeks at Annual Training. I asked to go off base to visit with my mother, who lives nearby where we were training. I was ALLOWED an hour and a half. Barely enough time to get lunch together, despite the fact that there was NOTHING going on and I am a staff sergeant and a squad leader.
I hate being told that all the training we do is awesome and wonderful and so good for us, and we're the best battalion in the history of ever. I'm sick of having smoke blown up my ass and being pissed on and told it's rain.
There's a formal dinner this weekend, and I'm not going. Sorry fellas, but I come here to train, not for social events. I hate the fact that my fellow NCOs think it is acceptable to be "friends" on Facebook with their soldiers, and the higher up Chain of Command thinks it's okay as well. I'm not your buddy, I'm not here to be your buddy.
I show up because I'm obligated to. I dread it every month. I get so angry, it was all I could do not to rage-flip a cart full of parts at work yesterday. I literally want to punch people at my unit until my arm tires. I'm probably going to get a shitty NCOER again, but I'm past the point of caring. I probably have 3-5 more NCOER rating periods to worry about, and then I won't have to worry ever again.
Retirement cannot get here soon enough.