Okee...Must say that Embers was fun lastnight. However, they did play a little too much '80s wave and industrial for my liking (makes me feel old. Most of the younger people probably never heard of some o' the bands). Got to the club 'round 10 and for the 1st hour or so they played good (new) industrial and a little EBM music. From then on it was a mix. over all it was a good night. Saw some friends that I haven't seen in a while and met some new ones. Today....gotta go BBQ and then it's of to the Timbers match which by the way is Thirsty Thursday (cheep beer)!!!! I have to work tomorrow so I can't get to wild tonight. Perhaps BBQ and a hottub at a friends haus Friday and or Saturday!
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Saturday Feb 08, 2003
Any fellow PDXers out there that like sushi and techno music, then yo… -
Monday Jan 20, 2003
Yes!!! Monday is about over with!!! -
Sunday Jan 19, 2003
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Friday Jan 17, 2003
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Sunday Dec 01, 2002
Ugghhhh....Sonntag....Tomorrow is work....8-(