I saw the Phantom of the opera at the theatre for the first time today. I thought that it was pretty good. I'm not much of a fan of plays and opera, but I'd go again if given the chance. It's kind of expensive though. For the rest of tonight I actually have no plans which is really nice for once. I need to conserve...
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Gotta getup and go to work now. Only a couple hours of sleep if that. Slick Idiot was great! Deathline International was okay-seen them too many times already. I thought Zone wire sucked. More about the show on LJ. Oh, I also said hi to Marla! Now, sleep or work? Or sleep at work? Maybe sleep while I work? Hmmmmm.....
Had to work verrrrrry late last night. Off to the Slick Idiot show tonight!
Gosh...um...just saw Reign of Fire at the theatre. It was okee dokee....I really wish that the dragons would've won in the end...after all humans deserve to lose....oops, didn't mean to give away anything...sorry.
we do deserve to lose. sheesh.
Hmmmm.....must be a full moon coming up soon...maybe not. Sure seems like there are a lot o' weirdos out and about these days.
you betcha ... i think every one is becoming a weirdo ... i have this strange feeling i'm the only one normal around here ...

just went to w theme park with the kids ... damned those parents are OLD ...
what does that make me?
weirdos with kids, weirdos without kids, what are they doing there?

Now that you mention it...who isn't weird?
Had a swell time at the PDX International Beer Fest...Lots o' beer! Mmmmm...any way just checking out a funny site at www.campchaos.com Saw it for the first time today. Bought a new CD today @ Ozone. A band named Dismantled-CD is titled Distmantled. Guess they are from Eugene, OR. Pretty good stuff so far.
Yay, it's Saturday! Soon I'll be off to the interantional (international? or at least close to it) beer fest...