The movement by people to stop offensive terms needs to stop it has been taken way to far. Everyone is offended by everything and it is holding humanity back as a species. Since this movement has appeared radical feminism has went nuts, their even more disgusting counter parts the white knights (It makes me ill just saying those words), the Black Lives Matter group. (okay I need to say this in a way that isn't misunderstood, all lives are born equal but through intelligence and motivation people shift the balance. All lives are not equal because a janitor is not equal to a doctor but both lives should be appreciated, but when you are a person who claims the need for equality but in reality what you want is an advantage then you are just shifting the balance from one side to another and not fixing the problem, you are the problem) People need to regrow a spine because words only have power if you give them power it is the intent that matters and people are blinded by only the words to where you can't even discuss the problem because of these "Trigger words"which aren't really triggers as much as bitch markers. The world is filled with trolls and morons are flocking to the trolls. Morons are the worst because when valid points are introduced they refuse to listen and continue to spout the script they were given. We need to come together as a collective and stop whining.
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