so...if any of you out there in SG-land are super duper gamer nerds, i may need some help on something....i'm trying to level up my monk character by taking a level in cleric...i've never played a spellcasting character before and i think my head's going to explode! i have questions!!! someone help me!!! aaarrrggg!
i only know of one other person that's played a full-blown cleric and it's my GM...and when i ask her she just shows me how she kept track of all her spells....

i only know of one other person that's played a full-blown cleric and it's my GM...and when i ask her she just shows me how she kept track of all her spells....

My new gear will be here early to mid next week, and after I get everything sorted out, I'll reschedule with that hopeful. Before I do that, I'll probably schedule a few practice shoots so I can see if there are any problem areas with the new lens and camera. I would never do a SG shoot with untested gear, so I'll certainly be doing to pro bono work in the next few weeks.
I have a big shoot tomorrow night if you want to check that out. I don't even know what it is. All I know is that it'll be 6 fetish models and it's for some flyers to promote a big event. With Brothers being closed, I'd guess that the event is at Rayn. I dunno....I just go where I'm told, and they know I'll be using my old camera.
So Tuesday night I'll be at Riverfront at 8:00pm with a full set of studio lights and my rinky dink Canon. At least it works! Let me know if you want to come out.
I loved the location. I had never been there, so it was cool to finally see the place. I didn't even know that it's not a country bar's become much more alt oriented and I guess the old Brothers gang is going there.
The shoot went pretty well. I had to use my old camera, of course, but I set up some studio lights and a backdrop and we got everything done. The models did was 2 boys, 1 girl and 1 drag queen who was the "star" of the shoot. She was fabulous!
I burned a CD, gave it to the guy in charge and that was all. Easy as pie!
I just went to Wolf Camera at the Tally Mall to look for bargains. They had a battery grip thingy that I saw two weeks ago (the day my camera died) and it was $70.00. I figured I was the only person in town with that model of camera, so I didn't buy it. Today I went because it's their last day, and the grip thingy was down to $28.80. Woo hoo!! Full price is $150, so I was quite pleased with $28.80.