so, bad news...the shoot i lined up fell through...i have to get permission from the company to have their products in the photos...and they're being know, "talk to this guy who just told you to talk to me after someone else to you to talk to him"
copyrights blow!
hopefully i'll have a steady(er) job soon and can afford to have the interwebs at...
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copyrights blow!
hopefully i'll have a steady(er) job soon and can afford to have the interwebs at...
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Good luck finding a permanent gig. Our sleepy little town isn't exactly overflowing with opportunities, but I'm sure you'll find something 

Happy Birthday !
good news though: I'm shooting a new set this weekend, so hopefully i go pink and get some cash for internet at my house!!!! until then!
I'll post more details about the set (i.e. when it posts, etc.)
good news though: I'm shooting a new set this weekend, so hopefully i go pink and get some cash for internet at my house!!!! until then!
I'll post more details about the set (i.e. when it posts, etc.)
I miss you too !
I am again apologizing to everyone. I MISS YOU GUYS!! I should be getting internet once I start my new job and get a coupld of paychecks (mid-October?)'s still shitty...
No interwebs means no fun. I hope I got back with everyone trying to get ahold of me!
No interwebs means no fun. I hope I got back with everyone trying to get ahold of me!

I miss you too!
I apologize to everyone trying to get ahold of me, I've just moved in the last few weeks, and I'm afraid I hav eno interwebs. Hopefully, I'll have an internet provider I can use more frequently so I can keep in touch, and sumbit a new set by the end of the year! Again, I'm really sorry to everyone. Miss you guys!!!

Hope to see you back online soon, we just got our internet at the new place all sorted out today. Comcast is such a pain.
For the record: I HATE AMERICAN IDOL! I ignored it until now, but I can no longer ignore it. If you're a fan of American Idol, you need to know how they allowed Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" to be slaughtered on National TV by this year's runner up, Adam Lambert (who should be burning in hell right now). "Ring of Fire" is one of...
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For shame Lambert.
Moving around town? You aren't allowed to move away!

For those of you out there in SG land who are a fan of zombies, hunting zombies, and firmly believe in the Zombocalypse, man do I have a movie for you! Woody Harrelson is a zombie hunter named Tallahassee, Bill Murray is a zombie, and an old lady kills a zombie with a piano in the Kill of the Week. Due to be released October...
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I gotta see it!!!!
That looked bad ass. I love Woody. This I have got to see.
So...I'm not normally someone who keeps track of, or religiously watches, a specific show. However, I have recently discovered tosh.0. tosh.0 is this guy, Daniel Tosh, who finds all sorts of rediculous internet videos and makes jokes about them (real jokes) for 20 seconds each. At the end of the show, he chooses one of the video for a Web Redemption. In the Web Redemption,...
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do it, then! It's such an amazing experience, I can't wait to do it again. I've never felt so... free!
So, I went and saw the best movie at the on-campus theater at FSU. It's called Fanboys. If you haven't seen it, you need to, especially if you're a geek, nerd, or anytihing of the like. If you're a Star Wars geek you have to see it, if you're a Trekkie you'll prolly want to see it too. It's smart, hilarious, and WONDERFULLY FANTASTIC!!!!
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yeah, as if going by the name kenobi wasn't cool enough. now i see you were cheetara for halloween!!! i love being a geek!
nice!! I really need force powers! "You need to take off your shirt" LOL
so...if any of you out there in SG-land are super duper gamer nerds, i may need some help on something....i'm trying to level up my monk character by taking a level in cleric...i've never played a spellcasting character before and i think my head's going to explode! i have questions!!! someone help me!!! aaarrrggg!
i only know of one other person that's played a full-blown...
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i only know of one other person that's played a full-blown...
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Those puppy pics paid off. The ComFort Pet Therapy program booked me today for a big doggy shoot in June. Gotta start paying off this new camera, so I'm certainly looking forward to working with the pooches.
My new gear will be here early to mid next week, and after I get everything sorted out, I'll reschedule with that hopeful. Before I do that, I'll probably schedule a few practice shoots so I can see if there are any problem areas with the new lens and camera. I would never do a SG shoot with untested gear, so I'll certainly be doing to pro bono work in the next few weeks.
I have a big shoot tomorrow night if you want to check that out. I don't even know what it is. All I know is that it'll be 6 fetish models and it's for some flyers to promote a big event. With Brothers being closed, I'd guess that the event is at Rayn. I dunno....I just go where I'm told, and they know I'll be using my old camera.
So Tuesday night I'll be at Riverfront at 8:00pm with a full set of studio lights and my rinky dink Canon. At least it works! Let me know if you want to come out.
My new gear will be here early to mid next week, and after I get everything sorted out, I'll reschedule with that hopeful. Before I do that, I'll probably schedule a few practice shoots so I can see if there are any problem areas with the new lens and camera. I would never do a SG shoot with untested gear, so I'll certainly be doing to pro bono work in the next few weeks.
I have a big shoot tomorrow night if you want to check that out. I don't even know what it is. All I know is that it'll be 6 fetish models and it's for some flyers to promote a big event. With Brothers being closed, I'd guess that the event is at Rayn. I dunno....I just go where I'm told, and they know I'll be using my old camera.
So Tuesday night I'll be at Riverfront at 8:00pm with a full set of studio lights and my rinky dink Canon. At least it works! Let me know if you want to come out.
No problem. I didn't even think to invite you until the day before, so I figured you might not even get the message in time.
I loved the location. I had never been there, so it was cool to finally see the place. I didn't even know that it's not a country bar's become much more alt oriented and I guess the old Brothers gang is going there.
The shoot went pretty well. I had to use my old camera, of course, but I set up some studio lights and a backdrop and we got everything done. The models did was 2 boys, 1 girl and 1 drag queen who was the "star" of the shoot. She was fabulous!
I burned a CD, gave it to the guy in charge and that was all. Easy as pie!
I just went to Wolf Camera at the Tally Mall to look for bargains. They had a battery grip thingy that I saw two weeks ago (the day my camera died) and it was $70.00. I figured I was the only person in town with that model of camera, so I didn't buy it. Today I went because it's their last day, and the grip thingy was down to $28.80. Woo hoo!! Full price is $150, so I was quite pleased with $28.80.
I loved the location. I had never been there, so it was cool to finally see the place. I didn't even know that it's not a country bar's become much more alt oriented and I guess the old Brothers gang is going there.
The shoot went pretty well. I had to use my old camera, of course, but I set up some studio lights and a backdrop and we got everything done. The models did was 2 boys, 1 girl and 1 drag queen who was the "star" of the shoot. She was fabulous!
I burned a CD, gave it to the guy in charge and that was all. Easy as pie!
I just went to Wolf Camera at the Tally Mall to look for bargains. They had a battery grip thingy that I saw two weeks ago (the day my camera died) and it was $70.00. I figured I was the only person in town with that model of camera, so I didn't buy it. Today I went because it's their last day, and the grip thingy was down to $28.80. Woo hoo!! Full price is $150, so I was quite pleased with $28.80.

so...i've decided to reinstate kung fu & chicken's the most awesome event of the's what happens: you go to best buy, or wherever you buy movies, and you buy up every kung fu movie you can find (or afford) doesn't matter whether or not you've seen the movie previously, if it's famous, or if it's good quality...any kung fu movie will do...then you...
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I am in Such a Great idea!!! Spanx...I will be sure to take some pics ...and the suggestions were great thanks again!!
Yeah i just saw the close up pics of Fett and solo. I did not see who was in the cars the first time and i agree with another poster on here who said greedos head as the shifter is awesome. If you ever make it out to Vegas ill invite you over to play with my action figures =X