***PaRtYinG at my house sat site. grrr messy messy........ i had tons fun though.
Went to seaworld
soo much fun i got picked to go up and like shake the seals hand hahaha it was sooo funny. i"ll post pic when i get em.. well yeh i got some pix of me and my bf.. awwwwww ill post the naughty ones later teehee..
your ;most humbling moment' reminds me of when i just got braids in my hair - got shit faced, threw up and passed out in them... i woke up with dried remains of nachos, alocohol and stomach acid in them and glued to the side of my face. gross. anyway - nothing gets the smell of vomit out of fake hair. -nothing- hah but im glad im not the only one who passes out in vomit
your ;most humbling moment' reminds me of when i just got braids in my hair - got shit faced, threw up and passed out in them... i woke up with dried remains of nachos, alocohol and stomach acid in them and glued to the side of my face. gross. anyway - nothing gets the smell of vomit out of fake hair. -nothing- hah but im glad im not the only one who passes out in vomit