I recently came across a blog on the site "what would I like to be remembered for". It's somewhat coincidental that I had a conversation about this with someone recently. This person specifically is a local "rapper" from one of my old stomping grounds. Anyway, he has every D-bag quality you could ever wish for, and not an ounce of humility. Him and his brother think they're "the shiznit". Constantly they talk about how they want to be famous, need constant attention, blah blah blah, let's just chalk it up to 'superficial' things, that at the end of the day will never TRULY make a difference.
So anyway, I explained to him that there's more to life, then how many records you sell, how many chicks you lay up, or how many people come To your shows. What difference does it make??! At the end of the day, all our graves are the same size (well unless of course you're cremated or donate your body to science hehe, but you catch my drift). I would like to be remembered for the POSITIVE impact I made in lives of innocence, in the lives of people who NEED kindness, strength and love more than I do. It's not always about me, me, me. In my case, I am not only getting better for me, but I want to be the best me I can be so I can be those things for the ones who need it the most. Beauty is and internal thing, as I grow old I may not have the most perfect body, face or hair, but if I have a BEAUTIFUL soul, that touched others, I will die a happy person, knowing I did what I set out to do. That's what I want to be remembered for. Our truest forms come out in the face of adversity, what form would you like to show?
Below is the specific conversation I had with said person (for a better understanding).
When it comes down to it, money is nothing, fame is nothing. We come into this world alone with nothing and we die alone with nothing. In order to truly be remembered you have to make a REAL positive impact in a positive way... I'd rather sit down with and intellectual/peace maker such as; Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X hell even Dr. Ben Carson, than a rock star... Music can inspire and lift the spirits of others, but what's your true WORTH if you've NEVER actually done something for someone other than yourself... People need to learn to remain humble, and realize they could lose everything at any given moment. The sooner they realize that, the better off they'll be. The happiest people are those who have less and give more. Not cocky ass holes who think money, fortune or fame is everything in this world, because it isn't. Without TRUE love, without TRUE respect, TRUE kindness, and strength we are nothing. I want to be known for the good I did in this life (to mainly help others), than by how much money I made. If Your idols are Kanye, Weezy and Tpain, instead of someone who may have turned their negativity and anger into a positive force to help someone, then You need some serious reevaluating. Kanye is a jack ass who gives rats about no one. Anyone could be a rapper or a singer if they really tried hard enough and wanted it bad enough. But how many people can say they TRULY left a foot print on this world. Saved someone's life. I'm a girl who grew up in Detroit, from poverty, from nothing. I know money does mean anything, at the end of the day it can't save you. I'd rather die with my integrity than live as a dishonest man. Having a heart is more important than any dollar you'll ever make. If anyone thinks otherwise, that just measures your intelligence and lack of maturity.
So tell me what YOU think... What would YOU like to be remembered for?? (No judgements here). Remember you're beautiful, and someone loves you, in all your flaws and insecurities. Help is always there if ever you need it.
This is Kenna, Over and out
Xoxox <3 all my FOXXES.