Considerinf how music has always played such and integral role in my life for quite sometime, it is VERY hard for me to narrow down ONE favorite song of ALL time, because I have quite a few.
Anything Lana Del Rey pretty much resonates my entire life story. From the the failed friendships, to a magnitute of lovers (male and female), to loving someone so much, you just accept the fact that you will be second best. Even sugar daddies..To the truck across country, through euporia and to Utopia, my life in her words.
I listen to music for the FEELINGS it gives me. IF A song can trigger a physical emotional response it is AMAZING and worth loving. As i write this blog post, I am trying to think of a song I always go to in moments of need. However, every moment, cause and reason is different. Usually if I cant find a song, I write one, and one day when I work up the courage I hope to share one with all of you.
I will also try my hardest in the coming weeks to resume my normal blog schedule. I have missed my interweb.
This is Me over and out