So now why do I want to be a suicide girl? Well they offer a very different alternative to beauty. I've always been 'different' and it hasn't always been welcoming. Here is a place I can feel like more myself. Where I can relate to more people who go through similar situation, as well as get feedback (which is always a positive thing). I love my 'fan' base and want to get to know more of them, and share my own life with everyone. Suicide Girls can offer that to me. It's an excellent organization to be a part of and I can't wait to make my contribution!
Now how do I think it would change my life? OR How I want it to change my life. I'm hoping that it helps me socialize. I've been quite isolated the past couple years, and it's made me extremely lonely (another story for a different day) so I'm hoping I can have more interaction!! Also, like stated about I can meet more people similar to me. I'm an advocate for beauty and think everyone is beautiful in their own way, and I can't wait to be a part of it. Eventually when It happens I will revisit this (like a time capsule) and see how it actually has changed my life!!
ONE MORE week until I shoot my set!!! :-))
Until next time
Much love and remember You can do anything you put your mind to!
I think that those are some good ideas!