Hey everyone. Been so busy lately all I've had time for is checking out the new sets and not keeping up with my journal. Well, today is no different but I thought I'd drop a few lines. We had an alternative model/photographer group I'm part of meet in Chattanooga recently. It went very well and we had a great group of people attend. You can find out more about the group/events and even see a few of the pics at Something Wicked This Way Comes . Also (dumb me) just this morning figured out how to look up New SG's who's sets haven't gone up yet. They aren't listed with the "Girls" and don't show up in "Hookup" but I found my answer searching through the boards. If you know thier name just use http://suicidegirls.com/girls/ (thier name), I did this so I could find a friend of mine from Chattanooga that has been accepted. You can find her at http://suicidegirls.com/girls/lala and hopefully her set will go up soon. I know it takes a while for them to get sets up but she is worth the wait. Take care and maybe I'll find more time to post more and let you know what's going on with me. I doubt anyone finds it that interesting but at least there will be something to read when you're bored.