i hate fuck'in toooo day...! it was the most unaccomplished day i had in a long time.... sate in the doctors office for 2 1/2 hours so i can reschedule for another day... then had to take my son across town. because his mother can't pick up her own ass.. and drive... then everyone had dumb driver glasses on too day, and sate in traffic for a couple hours.... thank god i made it home... was thing about going out to night but fuck it I'm staying home to night...... i need a new tattoo to make me feel better.....
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not much to say...????? -
Wednesday Mar 18, 2009
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Wednesday Feb 18, 2009
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Thursday Sep 06, 2007
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Friday Mar 02, 2007
i hate fuck'in toooo day...! it was the most unaccomplished day i had… -
Friday Sep 08, 2006
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Friday Aug 18, 2006
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Friday Jun 30, 2006
cant sleep.....