Completely random but I adore @venom. You are an amazing lady, Venom.
I haven't been on in a long time. It's a long story and I honestly don't want to get into it right now. To put it simply, I've been on near suicide watch the last few weeks on top of being incredibly stressed out. Other than all that, I've been somewhat better.
I've been very quiet here lately but rest assured I'm still alive. I've been beyond busy with my job and dealing with some personal things.
Soon I'll be posting and all that good stuff again
From reaper
Thank you for the info! It's an hour drive either way, but I wish I knew about the Friday show first. Perhaps I will be at both!
I wouldn't wish these on my worst enemy. My migraines feel like a thousand rusty nails shaken really hard in my head along with extreme nausea.
This really sn't the right place for this but I've had the worst luck and time ever in general when it comes to women and dating. I've had no luck at all but the worst of it all is the last woman I was with dumped me because I have too much "emotional baggage".
I have practically given up on dating because even the dating...
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I will NOT miss Blackheart Burlesque in October. I'm still mad for missing the last one in my area. Need to get my tickets for that soon.
From pisces
thanks for follow <3
From aniston
thanks for your sweet words and for following ❤️❤️