People often ask me so many questions about my back tattoo and sometimes i dont know how to answer haha
So first off, how long did it take? 17 hours over the course of 3 months as i couldnt sit/lay for any longer than 2-2.5 hours at a time
Did it hurt? Generally i find that as a pretty strange question as everyone has different levels of pain but my answer is yes, certain parts were the most painful thing iv ever put myself through. I sat and got it all lined in 1 session which took 3 hours with no breaks, i then discovered numbing cream and omg that was a game changer. Now i cant get tattooed without the cream
Do i like spiders? No. But in my own defence, this ones following me around all day every day and i cant really see it haha
Why the black widow? I felt out of all the spiders, this one was the most interesting
I hope this clears up some of the FAQ on my ink!
thanks for reading (if u made it this far) π
@penny @missy @sean @lemon