Ah.... weekend..... Whew! I slipped out of work last night with a mere 9 hour shift instead of 12. All my friends there are getting wrote up with warnings and such. I feel left out.

Now I have a lil time for the Things to be Done. There's a few galleries I'm going to check out today. Get some leads. Oh this and that.

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Yeah, I agree that I need a break. Kinda sucks, though. I guess the heart just wants what the heart wants. blackeyed
Greetings! smile So how did your visit to the galleries go? How's work? Have you applied for any new jobs yet?
Seriously thinking about putting in my 2 weeks notice at my crap lab job. The stress of it drains me and I fear this is the only way to escape. I'm too mentally exhausted to find a real job when I get home from work. Pretty sure if I just had the free time I could get myself hooked up with another means of employ...
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you could whip me any day. smile

oh, and i dont care what they say about you. i still love you.
Good luck!

Have you got your cv up to date??

So what did you do your degree in?
Blah. surreal
Could you please be a little more specific? wink
(Y'know those times when you can't think of anything to utter but complaints that even you are tired of hearing from yourself?)

And so to spare my SG friends this and to offer an update:


but I do like this skully thing:

Waaaaah. I'm sicky today. puke

Been letting things out both ends so to speak and couldn't even keep water down.

I feel rotten but I didn't want to call off work. Did it anyway and offered my sincerest apologies. Even though I hate the place, I like to have some semblance of a work ethic just for my self-respect. Oh well, shite happens. blackeyed
Hi! I don't know you. 3D is not so bad...but it can frustrating and pretty much is a thing you keep failing at until it looks decent. I am good at failing, so I figured it would a fun thing for me to do.

I took me 4 classes and 29 attempts to actually get a decent mesh modelling (though I will say subdivision is a hell of a lot easier for just basic background shit).
I hope you get well soon!

Happy Easter!! smile
I'm a bit wiped out and stressed. My rotten lab has enforced mandatory OT and I've been doing about 54 hours a week for the past 3. I'm paid meagerly and I hate the job. At this point, I'm trying to get fired just for the entertainment. No luck so far though, they need my drudgery right now. I swear its the most demoralizing job...
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Mandatory OT? That's insane...

good luck with getting fired...
So how much longer are they going to make you do the overtime (or is is indefinite)?

Rather than getting fired, have you tried looking for gainful employment elsewhere?
You should read some Phillip K Dick. I warn you some his writing gets rather weird at times as one of his obsessions is the nature of reality. A few of his stories have been made into films (some examples of said films are Bladerunner, Total Recall and Minority Report).
You want help in the offing? I'm very cheap and discreet. wink
My beloved Lucy, the Cutest Rat in the World, died in my hands this morning. I'm calling off work. They can fire me if they want; I'm not fit for duty.
i wrote a poem for you!
i see many great things in life. i however appear to be invisible.

perhaps one day we can get together and do some sword play. if you can beat me with your broadsword, i would have a great reward for you.
I am glad that you are coming to terms with Hunter's death. My sympathies are with you.
I find it incredibly hard to believe that Hunter commited suicide. There's no way that someone with that kind of vitality would just off himself. We are missing some bit of truth in this matter that may never be recovered.

Whatever the circumstances, one of my most beloved icons/heros is dead and/or gone. I had a fantasy of showing up at his compound and introducing...
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It's so sad that a guy like Hunter saw this country through some of its most despicable times and brought humor out of such a crappy political situation. What does it say about the times we live in now that such a cool character decided to check out right now?

He was a rare breed and I will miss him.
I heard a funny story about Hunter on the radio like the morning after he died. Apparently there's this bar next to his land in Michigan and if you went past the bar you were on HIS land and cars that drove by the bar would get their headlights shot out by Hunter. So eventually the owners of the bar told him if he wanted to be able to keep going into the bar, he had to promise not to shoot out peoples headlights anymore. So if you go in this bar on the wall there's a napkin saying "I, Hunter S. Thompson, do here by promise not to shoot out peoples headlights anymore."
Well, I've sucessfully killed another week of my life. Not much to show for it as usual. I'm a bit dissappointed in myself for not getting a better job yet. My current gives me no creative outlet and pays very poorly.

This weekend I'm hoping to get some more done on my portfolios, both design and painting. I've decided to attack both fine and commercial...
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you just gotta find something to give you the drive you need. whether it be listening to music, taping electrodes to your nipples, or picturing me in a kilt on a very hot day. the key is to have it be something that either disturbs you or gives you power. then just keep it in your head.
I like the way you out it "killed another week of my life"!!! I sometimes feel that my life is one long slow journey towards the inevitable end, "The Awful Rowing Toward God" (to quote the title of a collection of poems by Anne Sexton).

So if you were to get a better job what kind of job would you get? What would be your ideal job and what job do you think you will actually end up with?

Good luck with your portfolios and with finding a new sifu when the time is right.

Sorry about your little whiskered friends and their lumpy bits. I hope they like their new playground!

Hey! Don't worry if life hasn't been very exciting lately. I think we have been conditioned to expect more and more and more out of life, so that we undervalue what we've got already. The great thing about keeping people disatisfied with themselves and their lives is that it prompts them to go out and spend money. Disatisfaction sells. It makes people buy flash cars, new shoes, cosmetics, exotic holidays, tickets to cinemas and exclusive nightclubs, tins of paint for redecorating house, self-help books, you name it! Just think how sales of all of these things would plummet if people stopped having ridiculously high expectations of their lives!! Post-modern life is like one long sleepless night spent trying to find things with which to fill the vacuum in one's soul. In truth what we all really need to is to find the still small voice of calm within us. Unfortunately, I still haven't found that still small voice of calm - what about you?

(Edited because, I can't spell "would" wink )

[Edited on Feb 20, 2005 10:49AM]