waaaah.... strange week... will explain later surreal
Heh, me too. What happened in yours?
Happy (belated) Birthday!!!

I am intrigued. What strangeness occurred during your week?
So I took today off from work. I used one of my floating holidays 'cause its my b-day and that's a holiday to me. I'm gonna just stay in, drink, and work on my portfolio.... whatever makes me happy because its my day. ARRR!!!

:edited addition: I suppose bloody mary's (or free time) make me social. I've been noticing that more people here at SG have...
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I like to ask the religious questions. "Does the pope shit in the woods?
If the pope does shit in the woods, then it makes no sound.
*sigh* the more people I meet, the more I like my rats frown
Ah, well. I've been disillusioned with humanity for most of my life. I think what I hate most about them is the wasted potential. We as humans are able to achieve so much yet do so little. The next Da Vinci is probably wasting his life in front of the telly, watching the learning channel. The next potential Maslow is stuck watching Jerry Springer.

Americans are fat and lazy with convenience. We don't have to hunt, gather, fabricate, or learn. All is accessible to us in our modern cesspool of perceived tolerance. I say 'perceived' because all it takes is one true individual to throw off the day of thousands of supposed compatriots.

I'd better get busy before I become one of my own examples! I'm a damn good painter, martial artist, even musician. Looks like the future I want for myself hasn't materialized yet and I have ultimately myself to blame.

In answer to the question, I would only suppose that rats would refer to themselves as ratkind.

Here's a question back: Isn't being just like everyone else the same as being nobody at all?
I understand your frustration about the huge amount of wasted talent. Sadly I think this has always been the case. Perhaps as a consequence of my fondness for reading science fiction novels when I was in my teens, I used to think that one day we people wouldn't have to spend as much time working and they could spend the extra time studying, researching, writing or generally developing their talents and broadening their horizons. However, I was rather naive in my teens. If you give people more free time they generally tend to fritter it away in front of the TV watching soap operas or laughing while the obese rednecks fight on Jerry Springer. Nowadays I find that time just flies by really quickly and when I get home from work, it is really easy to just sit down 'for a few minutes' only to slip into a daydream and find that I have just lost an hour or so of my evening (although personally I think that an hour spend daydreaming is an hour better spent than one spent watching soap operas etc).
I think that the saddest thing is that people resist any attempt to broaden their horizons. One reason for sending children to school is to broaden their horizons and to make them aware of the fact that there is a whole glorious universe out there for them to learn about. In reality, getting good grades at school is not 'cool' and children who study hard tend to be looked down upon or bullied whereas children who mess around and skip lessons to go and smoke behind the bike sheds tend to be more readily accepted by their peers. This is tragic because it means that some part of our culture encourages children to trade their future for the transient adulation of the crowd. I think that this pattern has effects on a person's development that a lot of people never get over. Many adults are suspicious of teachers and intellectuals and far more trusting of people who act like they are 'down-to-earth' (note who is currently the president of the USA ... he certainly doesn't come across as an intelligent chap but he managed to get elected twice).

It makes me think of Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" or a film I once saw called "Harrison Bergeron".

The problem is that you can't change the whole world. The world may be full of stupid people or narrow-minded people or people who could achieve so much more but who somehow end up doing an unchallenging job day-in, day-out. Its easy to fantasise about what the world would be like if such and such were to happen but at the end of the day, the sad fact is that humans are animals not angels. We still carry most of the same genes that we did when we first began to live in cities thousands of years ago (circa 4000 BC, I think). Just think, all of our civilisation, our science, art, religion, trade, laws - all of it has developed over about 6000 years. This may seem like a long time, but in evolutionary terms it is the blink of an eye and humans are basically the same creature that they were 6000 years ago. Our society may have changed a lot in that time, but we have not and so we still approach things with the same set of instincts that we always have. We want food, sex, shelter and pleasure.

A while back some scientists did some experiments to study the way that rats respond to pleasure (sorry if this offends you). The experiment involved putting each rat in a cage with a switch/lever in one part. If the rat pressed the lever down, it received stimulation to a particular part of its brain known as the pleasure centre. the scientists found that the rats kept pressing the lever to keep getting their pleasure centres stimulated and they kept pressing it and pressing it, not even bothering to eat or sleep. When I first read about this experiment, I was struck by the fact that human behaviour is driven by the need to stimulate the pleasure centre. Humans also will keep on doing whatever is necessary to stimulate their pleasure centres to the detriment of their own well-being. It seems to me that the human addiction to short-term pleasure at the expenses of long-term well-being is probably one of the underlying reasons for many of society's problems whether we are talking about obesity, violence (yes, I have met people who admit that they get into fights on a Friday night because they enjoy it), drug addiction or just plain old under achievement.

Anyway, I need to go to bed now as it is 1 am here in the UK and I have to be up at 6 am.
Hey, I just got a couple more navel piercings! No new photos yet tho. Stay tuned to this bat channel, this bat time for breaking news. wink
So what's to say? I don't feel particularly interested in updating my journal at the moment...

Guess I'm kind of depressed lately. Usual life stuff: bills, work, the pursuit of gainful employment, the boyfriend, and what I've just discovered to be a potentially ill ratty friend. First things first, I'll have to get Lucy the incredibly cute rat to the vet.

Problem is that many...
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Geeze! Just going out for rat supplies is a fricking adventure. Some fiend decided she was too good to wait in traffic like the rest of us and almost side-swiped me trying to make a merge that I refused to let her have. I'm not one to be bullied... even in traffic.

Glad I'm home now. It's a little early in the evening for it...
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I've had rats since December 2001. They have loads of personality and natural comedic timing. They're also very economic to keep unless they becom lumpy and need these removed.

Luna is insanely obsessed with freedom and the pursuit of "OUT!". She cannot be swayed with food, affection, or self-preservation. It is due to Luna's insane need for the "OUT" that I found the painted brick in my apartment's sun room is actually false. She had started to chew through it as she does all things in her path including s tank lid partly made of aluminum, and various bedding items (like my new Velux blanket!)

My other rat, Lucy, is responsible for socializing her to the point that she can be picked up. I hope Luna never becomes ill because a vet visit would be catastrophic. Luna is also very creative with her feces and likes to plaster them on the sides of the tank with bits of fur and bedding. Modern rat art... perhaps a comment on man's inhumanity to rat.

Too bad you can't have pets right now. I always seem to have one creature or another. While I never had an ant farm, I did succeed with sea monkeys and triops. Triops are the best because you can see them better and watch them shuffle through their substrate on the top of the water.

Do you grow anthing in particular in your back garden? I have to share mine with downstairs neighbors who have no respect for others' property. Mostly I use it for the occasional workout and barbeques. The best so far was my graduation meat pinata. We filled a pinata with meat and candies and whacked the hell out of it... then roasted his innards. biggrin
Luna does sound a bit crazy! But then again, in their natural habitat don't rats tend to do a lot of wandering about during their noctural foraging? Perhaps, Luna's incessant search for OUT is normal. On the other hand the faeces art seems to be just plain wacko. biggrin

Lately I have been neglecting my garden. I did try growing vegetables (spinach, onions etc) and some herbs in it at once stage but I haven't bothered with it for some time. Last time I checked I had lots of strawberry plants. When I moved in there were a couple of strawberry plants growing in the back lawn. I transplanted these into a flower bed and they flourished and kind of took over the flower bed!! There is also a small apple tree in my back garden which seems to have seeded at some point from the somewhat larger apple tree in my next door neighbour's garden. Perhaps the most unusual plant in my garden is Black Mondo Grass , which I refer to as my 'goth grass', on account of the fact that its leaves are shaped a like blades of grass but coloured black (although it is called "Black Mondo Grass", it is not a type of grass - it is actually a member of the Lily family)

Note: Although my brother is my landlord, he doesn't live in the same house as me. When I was 17 he went to work in the USA and after a number of years he moved to Canada where he still resides. I share the house with a bloke whom I met at university years ago.
I've been working on a new tat design the past few days due to a cold my co-worker decided to share with me. It's going to be a Wu Fu, a Chinese symbol of good fortune. This is it with just the bats so far...
Been a while since I entered anything... I did indeed make earrings out of those wisdom teeth. Since then I've gotten my nippies and navel pierced. The guy who did them did a bad job on the navel though and I'll get a couple more there just to draw attention away from it visually. Luckily he didn't fuck up my nipples or I'd probably burn...
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Well....that really sucks.

Wisdom tooth earings?That is fucking awesome biggrin
My first nipple piercing was badly fucked up, came out the head of the nipple rather than going behind it.

My cat is a diabolical little beast, I'm telling you, but he is nice and fuzzy. I taught him to fetch, which is tremendous, but the ends of my fingers are shredded now....
I am now wisdom toothless! I got to keep the 2 that came out whole. Think I'll make some earrings from them. wink N E ways I got extra strength Vicodin and I'm legally high for a change. Wheee!

Can't eat for a while so I'm on the Slim Fast diet... maybe I'll lose those last 5 pounds. I only wish I could use some of...
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Arrgh.... this Friday I get my stinkin' wisdom teeth pulled. I refuse to let them knock me out for it. mad Guess I'll take it easy this weekend and have a look at the naughty pix I took of my sweetie. I gotta get him in suicide boys-- he's so sexy-- in a rabid sort of way. biggrin
Well it took a while, but I figured out that you have to upload the last pic in the set first to get a SG style strip show in proper order.

Off today to get Clawed the bat tat touched up... Ahh pain is good skull
Turns out my arm cuff tat wasn't ready, so I just got Clawed, the bat... for now. Nekkid pix coming soon. wink
I want to see the rest of that set. very hot! love