I'm sure we have all lived with someone who has driven us nuts, but I still wanna bitch about my roomate a little cause I'm pretty pissed off right now. But I'll make a long story short. A couple months ago I had a party and some shit got broken on the house, like gutter got knocked off the side of the house, window was...
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thanks, ass lol

is the dog yours or his?
Hey what's going on? I'm tired as hell but feeling good overall. Went out with my friends Melanie and Shan last night for the first time in about 10 months, Melanie just moved back out here after moving back to Texas for almost a year, but I'm glad she's back, she's my hockey buddy even though she's a Stars fan. Boo. But, tonight is actually...
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i want a picture with the kelso frown

also, hockey and texas doesn't make sense to me, because ice isn't really like... a texas thing. what do i know, though lol