So I'm leaving you all for a week as of tomorrow, I'll be on a coach for about 30 hours driving to Rimminy in Italy!
Im a bad girl, i didnt get nearly enough work done before tour, i deserve to be spanked!
well im taking a million disposable cameras so i should have loads of pics to show u when i get back.
1 night I'll be dressed in a toga, next as a soldier, then a lifeguard and an angel!
Just about to pack can any1 think of any last minute things i may need?
As a special treat here are a few pics! These are my special rugby goves that i have to decorate to take to italy with me. I have a feeling that our social sec is going to make us drink out of them! Im not very creative!
Im a bad girl, i didnt get nearly enough work done before tour, i deserve to be spanked!

well im taking a million disposable cameras so i should have loads of pics to show u when i get back.
1 night I'll be dressed in a toga, next as a soldier, then a lifeguard and an angel!
Just about to pack can any1 think of any last minute things i may need?
As a special treat here are a few pics! These are my special rugby goves that i have to decorate to take to italy with me. I have a feeling that our social sec is going to make us drink out of them! Im not very creative!
Here is a pic of me and Coldandwetout on the piss.
Me doing some kind of weird dance
And just so you dont forget me while i am gone!
good luck with being on a coach for that long!