type your FIRST THOUGHT/REACTION when you hear these 35 words:
1. Money : green
2. Sex : good
3. Relationship : meh
4. Your Last Ex : was here last night. awkardly.
5. Power : authority
6. Marijuana : where????
7. Crack : cracka
8. Food: ick.
9. The President: dubya
10. War: no
11. Cars : fast
12. gas prices : ick
13. Oral Sex: yay!
14. Politics : boring
15. Religion : god
17. MySpace : addicting
18. Worst Fear : dark
19. Marriage : divorce
20. Fashion : gwen stefani
21. Brunettes: r hot
22. Redheads: carrot top
23: Work: fuck
24: Pass the time: mypsace.
24: Football: huh? haha
25. One night stands: um.......
26: Pet Peeve : people
27: Pixie Stix : r good
28: Vanilla Ice : ice ice baby
29: Porto Potties: make me vomitt
30: High school: drama
31: Bad Sex : fuck that
32. Pajamas : comfy
33. Wood: wang
34. Surfers: hawaii
35. Pictures: funny
1. Money : green
2. Sex : good
3. Relationship : meh
4. Your Last Ex : was here last night. awkardly.
5. Power : authority
6. Marijuana : where????
7. Crack : cracka
8. Food: ick.
9. The President: dubya
10. War: no
11. Cars : fast
12. gas prices : ick
13. Oral Sex: yay!
14. Politics : boring
15. Religion : god
17. MySpace : addicting
18. Worst Fear : dark
19. Marriage : divorce
20. Fashion : gwen stefani
21. Brunettes: r hot
22. Redheads: carrot top
23: Work: fuck
24: Pass the time: mypsace.
24: Football: huh? haha
25. One night stands: um.......
26: Pet Peeve : people
27: Pixie Stix : r good
28: Vanilla Ice : ice ice baby
29: Porto Potties: make me vomitt
30: High school: drama
31: Bad Sex : fuck that
32. Pajamas : comfy
33. Wood: wang
34. Surfers: hawaii
35. Pictures: funny
found my way here through the groups, thought i should say "hi". not to be a dick, but, "Screeching Weasel" isn't really plural.