So, basically I had a bad car crash this weekend. Literally flipped the car upside down, honestly could have died and that scary thought should have stressed me right out.
A guy I am seeing was in the car and the guilt of hurting him and me was just terrible. The car is written off and there has GOT to be an angel watching down on me. We both climbed out and walked away from it. Alive.
Honestly at the moment. I relieve stress by remembering the worst times and instead of reliving them I use them as motivation to change the future. I relieve stress by reading books which is a recent event as I stopped reading years ago and now i have begun again it feels good, I sleep better because I read and not become wired before bed.
I also use planning to relieve stress. I have a busy life and planning helps me feel less overwhelmed and stressed from everything.
Hugs help too. Big time. A cuddle helps alot and I truly wish I had more of them haha!
I used to relieve stress by smoking weed but after quitting i am glad I do not have to use drugs to feel relaxed.
I should start yoga. With all this whiplash and bloody stuff going on who thinks I would help?
I would love ideas on what I could do other than the above to relieve stress.
So, there you go.
A dramatic weekend to say the least. Definitely a learning curve like everything but we will see what direction this takes me in.
Love live learn
And don't brake too hard in the rain and flip your car. Just friendly advice LOL
Much love and kaos xx