The modelling but i am definitely starting to feel like another part time job is in order.
I have my driving test booked... and tours for after i pass (very hopeful here and remaining positive)
I am looking forward to the freedom this will give me for my modelling but i feel like i want another career too.
Is that greedy or?
Don't get me wrong.. i intend on turning myself into a brand (KAOS) but i want more than just modelling
I want to grow as a model into a business woman and do more :) run a businesIs turn myself into a brand that stands for more than modelling.
I suppose there is part of me that still wants to get a degree. I know i could its just doing it and deciding what to do and where...
Or whether to get a part time job just to get out of this financial rutt i am in.
What to do.
Still, i am loving being able to travel around for shoots and being away from this country place i am from and living in.
Its lovely thinking i can do more in afew months and keep maturing, growing and experiencing more!
And will be sharing it with you lovely buggers of course.
Random update not really a @bloghomework but it is lovely writing a positive blog for you guys!!