So, I have a few days booked... Few lovely sounding folks, staying with a photographer in Peckham the first night... I know but saves money so cant be all bad and he seems lovely references check out I am always safe!
Another shoot tomorrow and a couple the next day so I am one happy model!!
Got time on 29th and want to do something fun before coming home? What should I do??
Is there any hopefuls or sg's that wanna meet for a hot chocolate for for dinner on the 28th? Ment to be meeting my bf but he is unsure about finances whether he can afford the travel. I hope so but hey :) either way could meet someone be good :D
Hope everyone has a great week sure I will be spamming the news feed with lots of pictures
follow me on Instagram (@kelsey__kaos) for BTS stuff and Twitter (@KelseyKaos) for the naughtier BTS stuff.
All the best to all you stunning SG's and all you loyal members :) mucho love to all my fellow sg hopefuls working hard to turn pink. Your all amazing <3
seeing some awesome sets coming out so go to #membersreview give them some love. Mine is still in there easy to see on my profile and my next set is released in just under a month 😍 #tantalisingtea is the sets name. Keep ya eyes out for my #blogs #sneakpreviews #generalnonsense #model #shots #shenanigans
@bloghomework my own ramblings xxxxxxx