I can't say this won't change over the course of this year.
100 percent sure i will be adding to it though!
1. Beat my fear of heights; whether it be climbing a mountain, jumping off a bridge with a bungee rope or something. Just start beating my fears in life; meeting new people would be another one.
2. Have a pain free day. or even week. Feel like i can be normal and do normal things like go out without a hot water bottle in my bag etc
3. Own my own home
4. Travel to other countries and have holidays/ work abroad and on my own
5. Die with really long hair. Always been fascinated with long hair but never had the self control to actually grow it properly
6. Be on no medication because i don't need to be
7. Have real nails that are in good condition (a life of biting is no good :'))
8. Beat my fears of being alone and learn to love my own company
9. Have real, true friends that care as much for you as you do them; would help you and take you places, pay for things and be as loving caring and generous as i try to be to people in my life
10. Become a Suicide girl; but well deserved because of a classy & unique set that stands me apart from others for just that day :)
11. Add better shit to this bucket list that is definitely more exciting and whatnot GOD YES
My wifi isnt good enough i wanted to add some new pics.
will post them separately :)
Best wishes all and would love to hear some exciting things off your lists as #inspiration <3