1. Okay, so i am not fully sure i will be able to hold my tongue at ALL times. The other day for instance i won't sit back watching people insult someone repeatedly online, its cyberbullying... but i will do my best to remain professional. Know when to speak when not to speak. When to drink and when not to, when to try and help and when to leave it alone. To be better all round and show people what i have for the past few months and then MUCH more.
2. Shoot more fashion, fashion nude work. Honestly i love wearing clothes and I LOVE being naked but i need more extravagant looks in my portfolio; and fashion is a key part of that. End of January i will be doing a shoot for a hair salon in Staffordshire, complete restyle, colour and photoshoot after. So look forward to seeing photos with my crazy hair! Will be dyed probably back to blonde after. Enjoying this fresh look for 2016.
3. Have a social life. The right kind. Enjoying company that i cannot complain about, a lifestyle to be proud of.
4. Stick to this protein world shit. So far its the only thing thats worked in motivating me to work out at home just knowing its on the way, so get on that. Have self control and stick to it.
5. Attend doctors appointments. Knowing my issues i also know i need the right help and will strive to keep going to appointments to better myself whatever that may be. Mental health is often the hardest to diagnose and help with, its a rocky road but one i intend to firmly walk on with my head held high.
6. Meet new people; face my fears... beat anxieties i probably should not have in my line of work!
7. Get a new hobby or 3. I find keeping busy distracts me from things and often keeps me too busy to have episodes etc. So definitely need to keep myself busy positively building something, anything. Into what will be a future obviously!
8. Shoot lots of sets for SG. i have people in mind to shoot with, cannot wait to hopefully set a date to shoot with @milloux who well breathtaking; model/talented tog that i know will be so creative and refreshing to work with! Also got a few more togs off here and several outside the site (who i am trying to get joined up in the forthcoming months ;))
9. Travel more. I am anxious more about being in unknown places, being lost etc, becoming stressed and not handling it. I do not mind the actual travelling too much. So its just battling that end bit which i will with time!
10. Not break the above, and not make more as they should surely be meaningless.
Kaos theory, less is more. Sometimes more is needed in life but more comes with time, never make promises to anyone or yourself that you know in your heart you will not keep. Leads to all sorts of negativity and who needs that!
More blogs coming soon, been absent but back in force <3
<3 sending positive vibes & love!