Unsure if i would be at all welcome at the 2016 London event.
I want to go so badly, and hope by that time to have met some SG's that know the real me and not the mental other me.
I am unsure whether to bother purchasing a ticket; how embarrassing would it be to be turnt away at the door :/
I love all the people who think i wronged them in my drunk stuper, some of the things were so far fetched but still i march on
I admitted and apologised, but most wont forgive or forget
Grudges are shit but i cant help how people feel
So I'm wondering what would you do if you were me?
I don't even know who to contact to see if i would be allowed to be in attendance.
I can't drink on the medication i have been on for months, i have like 2 drinks and I'm just so sleepy so usually just stick to 1 or smoke weed like normal lol.
Oh if it were 2016 were a whole fresh start, so people would truly move on from the bad and give a girl a 2nd chance.
What to do...