... Not something i take at all lightly
I mean in all honesty i never really expected one but that olive branch just made 2015 for me.
I am determined to make amends, do better, be better and my positivity should make 2016 our year.
The we in all tenses, i hope next year makes more friendships on here, more shoots with the beautiful girls i see posting on here everyday. For the past theres nothing left but regret and sorry's & lets be honest its far and gone and i feel that regret still.
Second chances aren't handed out they're earnt and i am happy to have earnt this much thus far.
I always love writing on here, getting feedback good/bad its all feedback which i want & need.
I improve for myself, but people's opinions do matter. SG makes us public figures and the beautiful thing is its our differences that get us more publicity. I see girls the same all over in my town. None make me look twice until i see that gorgeous, individual girl often with her head down due to lack of self confidence from not feeling like the norm. I love it i wish i had the confidence to go pep talk them "hold your neck high, your beauty is insatiable its not replaceable its unique, dont be down because your different, embrace it and others will do so" but honestly, i am often alike in their sense.
You make me embrace me for me. This site has helped me face more demons than i was ready to face but thank god i did.
Without this site i wouldn't even know i deserved second chances, on this, in life, for myself.
I am a better person all round from the people i have met, their honesty, opinions, their words have impacted me in such a great way that i am happy to express my gratitude so publicly.
Your amazing people, i am happy to be a part of it and as it states always "hopeful" for more.
More takes; work, time, effort, love.
That i have MUCH to give.
For the second chance the support.
Thankyou xxxx