Okay, so i had to choose this when i saw it.
Well. Where to start?
I have not been brought up in a light and countryside space though to be honest, small towns, farmers, fields just a mile over in the next town it is countryside but a dark side to the country i assure you.
As a model i have travelled and know there are places FAR worse than kettering, but its almost laughable in this town. All the crime is done by children or people who should be in watched housing or a mental home. It is a truly odd town and surprises me daily. For instance i was in town, today and heard a group of 13-15 year olds discussing a fight outside mcdonalds, and they were discussing how they were in the middle of the fight, accidentally stabbed this poor lad and were laughing about it like it was normal. Went in, got a burger & went about their day. - amist all these twisted youths there are good people i have met them, you just have to be careful because alike to small towns they have small minds, but big egos.
70 percent of the people i have met in this town i wish to never see again, but being a small town its hard to avoid everyone you dont agree with. Most in this town will lie and steal, usually for survival, other times for greed, and other silly reasons - drugs (crack etc) and trust me drugs are everywhere here. You wouldn't think it cos it is such a small town but there is drugs on every corner, every street.
There is even a street called Sackville street renamed Smackville street, cos at one point in the last 5 years EVERY person on that street either took or sold smack.
Not gonna lie i make it sound like Hackney but the sheer number of idiots in one small town is actually unfathomable and yet here we are... there are good points though, i had a good education because they spent a lot of money on the small towns beside Kettering when i grew up, so the school i went too (though still full of drug takers/dealers theifs - of which at that stage i was all of the above anyway) the school was a good school and had a great creative/music - drama - art department.
I chose to see the dark side to everyone and everywhere i grew up because i was a dark troubled teenager and got involved in the wrong crowd early on. I saw the good clever folk, smart, sorted and drifted from it (troubled indeed) i had many opportunities and chances to become great and advanced and i pissed all over them to be honest. To interested in what i could smoke, make money off, get for free.
There isn't great nightlife round here and if you were to walk around Kettering town on a saturday night youd probably end up laughing your head off the whole time, i know i do. People go out in tracksuits trainers, even seen a woman wearing her boyfriends shoes to get into a club with what was clearly pyjamas and i know they would be minesweeping all their drinks haha!
I have done well to only ever get spiked once on a night out in kettering, almost got arrested and done for assault of a copper (to be fair at the time i was probably not capable of seeing or knowing what was going on clearly and just flung my arms about in self defence but still) I got a fine that time, a few other encounters with the police before i realised this was clearly the wrong path to take, they say its the journey not the destination and in a town like kettering there is constant drama so i guess it was a hell of a journey.
I ramble on but you get the picture here... bit of a shithole with a lot of wasters in it. Some good hard working people inbetween those but majority are the unfortunate, or the lazy.
I am slowly meeting better people in this town but it is hard as i cant seem to ever trust anyone and it actually work out here before.
There are a few nice places to eat around the mcdonalds/subway/usual town bollox.
My favourite is a chip shop called Fridays, right by the bustop sells bacon rolls for like 1.50 and he cooks it just right, lush food and not pricy so always a good choice!
Lee garden is the only other worthwhile point, gorgeous chinese food. The duck there is on point and its like a 10er to get all you can eat buffet food at lunchtime.
Admittedly kettering isnt that expensive, because it is shit yes, but its a good point to the town cos if it was this shit & pricy there would be riots let me tell you haha!
Rent is like 500 ish for a 2 bed flat or even a house in some parts. New estates being built all the time knocking down the leftover countryside we have but shit, gonna happen, constant expansion is the only way the council can actually make money instead of spending it!
Lastly, Wicksteeds. Been the longest part in Northamptonshire or even bigger for a LONG LONG time and the rides are by far older than me, definitely not the safest place to bring your kids but they've definitely padded it out a lot more since i went on the rides when i was young. Went on a pirate ship thing and if it wasn't for my mum grabbing me id have sure been flung straight out the thing and to my death haha, back in the day we didnt kick up a fuss, just went and got an ice cream but now it'd have been CLAIM, SHUT DOWN :') how times change.
Anyway, so thats my spiel... i hope you enjoyed my take on the joy that is Kettering Borough
Thanks for stopping by <3