10 up to date random facts about me.
1. I am working part time in a cafe with the funniest people, and the regulars are all mental because well... it is in Kettering, so be prepared for some funny work stories. Soon come!
2. I am scared to walk in giant heels atm or platforms, not because of my balance but because i am honestly huge and with heels on i feel like a giant.
3. I am doing all i can to move out of this crappy house share i am currently stuck in, hoping to be moved out by 2016.
4. I have been eating more fruit lately, genuinely been helping my mood & skin so now i know you kind of are what you eat! Parents dont lie! (all the time)
5. I am becoming ever-more broody as years go by and am hoping to settle down with a family within the next 5-10 years
6. I have fallen in love with Netflix and it is sucking all my energy away, i swear my body wants to shut down and get ill so i can stay in and watch Netflix haha!
7. I learnt how to make turkish tea, its the bees knees you brew it for hours i was buzzing off one tiny cup the day flew by (too much caffeine makes me turn into the crazy hyper squirrel from Hoodwinked)
8. I am feeling like giving me and dec another go is the way to go, i mean he is the one picking up the pieces after everyone fucks me over or hurts me, he has been my best friend for years and though i dont feel as attracted to him atm i do still love him and i know true love comes with ups and downs, hurt and generally life happening
9. I want to get out of the UK by the end of 2016, any opinions on where my first trip abroad should be?
10. I am going to be dying my hair turquoise blue very soon (just semi-permanent not risking fucking up my growing hair!)