Well, i shouldn't have been working as much as i was at all! But i worked almost 50 hours a week in a chip shop on the high street of the little town i grew up in. Nights, weekend days and nights, in-between doing my school lessons/music school & instrument lessons and out of school activities.
Pretty much funded my wreckage for a good couple years of my teenage years haha.
What can i say, i was taught to earn what i had or have not a lot!
I ended up getting sacked because they were trying to make me use industrial bleach on the chip shop floor, i was cleaning the sliding glass doors they use that hold the heated food, slipped and broke one and was yelled at by 2 of the chefs who didnt speak a word of english, my boss who spoke a bit and his wife who was flipping out haha!
I said i would happily pay for the window if they would tell the government about the illegal immigrants they had working in the kitchen along with the 15 year old (me at the time) working over a full-time job (hours wise) which was illegal for 3.10 per hour!
The windows costed like 80quid which is what i was going to earn that week for far too many hours so i wasn't about to replace their window! I was young and had a chip on my shoulder but it was definitely a lesson well learnt!
Know your worth!