@rambo @missy @lyxzen
This week asked us, what is your favourite TV Show to which i cannot just give one!
- Breaking Bad
On NETFLIX, probably one of the most genius ideas for a show ever, putting drug dealing in a whole new light. Still wrong but trying to find the right reasons to do it haha. No, i mean seriously they picked the main characters Walter and Jesse so well. I love the fact as it gets to the last series, Walter has been almost consumed by the badass alter ego he pretends to be while Jesse is shown in a whole new light, the guy who saves kids and wants revenge for his girlfriends family member being murdered. How he fights his addiction and throughout the entire show the first few series you see the juxtaposition of BEING a bad person and DOING bad things.
To start with you have Walter, the poor cancer victim who survives but realises the money is worth the danger, he says he's doing it for his family but it only takes a couple series before you realise he likes being a badass, he likes breaking the law and he loves becoming Heisenberg his alter ego - by the 5th series you see him the badass Walter White becoming a bad person whereas he started the show solely DOING bad things. By continuing to do those bad things when he didn't have to anymore you see him slowly drift into the Grey area, is he a bad person or is he just consumed by the bad deeds that he commits?
Then you have Jesse, the poor yet plucky drug addict, he begins the series as a total wanker we can all agree but immediately you start to see Jesse's character evolve from just a lowlife drug addict with a love of fucking crackheads and a love of all things illegal and loud! and, by the 3rd series you already see him fighting his addiction, realising he isn't just fighting it for himself but for those he loves. By the last series you see how he started out as a BAD person and slowly becomes good, only committing bad deeds but not enjoying it and only doing it for the money because he knows nothing else in life. You see him lose lovers and lose the trust he had in his evil bosses - now he is confused whether to trust Walter who has had his back throughout it all or the evil dictator who is trying to get Jesse on his side. Wouldn't you be just as confused trying to figure out which is the lesser evil?
The show actually shows a lot that i didn't expect it to i mean come on who doesn't love the idea of your chemistry teacher suddenly concocting the most potent weed on the planet, like okay yes i truly wish we were allowed to study Botany in this country but i think we can all agree that the chance of that happening is slim. STILL, the point i am trying to get at is that by producing a show such as Breaking Bad you're unlocking a world of potential within each character, because everyone knows someone like Jesse and everyone knew a teacher like Walter back at school.
It is surprising to me how relative a show can be when you get into it and even though you think it could never happen, we know its highly possible with the trillions of people living on the planet - because of that fact it is one of my favourites, they produced it incredibly well and Vince Gilligan is a genius, cannot wait to see what he comes up with next.
- Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidtt
On NETFLIX (i know i live on there who doesn't) this feel good comedy will put a smile on anyone's face. I cannot for the life of me remember the actress's name who plays Kimmy but i just love the entire idea of the show, only one series released so far and i would advise people to go watch it if you need cheering up.
I needed a laugh so i put it on in the hope it'd atleast kill some time, it did more than that. I was laughing so hard i was crying almost and the characters and the actors chosen to play them are spot on.
I love the idea that positive willpower can survive throughout it all and no matter what happens to a woman they can be strong and hold on throughout it all, like when she realises that the entire 15 years she was held in this underground bunker that the 'mystery crank' that had to be turned at all times 24 hours of the day turns out to be the crazy vickers electric, they turnt the crank which powered the electric in the vickers 'man cave'. I was dying of laughter at this point!
It just goes to show that feminism can come in all forms, whether it be marches, politics, work rates, money, being on top and feel good shows such as this. I am not a huge feminist myself but i see a strong feminist message within the show as well as just in general a feel good show for woman (and men) we are strong individuals this is true, to be honest i do not consider myself to be a very strong woman but i guarantee 9/10 of you don't.
Watching something like this may actually change that for you as it is so positive and gives a strong image of women nowadays.
I could continue listing shows i love but hey what about the shows that aren't on anymore
I miss Winnie the Pooh the originals, Scooby doo when it was good, the hoobs and so many kids shows lol!
That is why i watch Netflix mostly, cos tele in the UK has got a bit crap and behind the times.
I advise you all watch David Inkle Live at the Oxford University - makes you realise a lot about this planet and though i do not believe in the Illuminati myself, or atleast i didnt before watching this. It makes you realise the New World Order is coming and if we do not act fast we will all be micro-chipped robots in a sea of domination.