Currently, just chilling with my mud mask on trying to clear up my god dam face.
Stress = Spots
Spots = Stress
Never ending cycle haha
Anyway, feeling a lot better today. The hotel was lush tbf had a nice chat and cuppa with the lady who owned the house and will definitely be going back there with my boyfriend. It was a gorgeous attic room with an ensuite, nice and tucked away but had wifi and just proper chilled me out; I think i needed it.
Had a good think. It is my dads birthday today.. i have come home and will be gritting my teeth and playing nice for the sake of a lovely meal at BUDDIES my fave place to eat, Caitlin my sister picked it, i would have given it a miss cos i am pissed off with them but i get to eat good food and see my sister and her boyfriend James who i like, so i think thats a positive... enough to go anyway.
I do love my family. Were just all dysfunctional and fucked up, we all have fucked up pasts and in a way i can understand the mistakes they made with their parenting and I know in my heart i will never make the same mistakes they did. I am sure i will make some, but definitely my own haha.
I am just gonna have a bath, give myself a manicure, dye my eyebrows and my eyelashes & just try to have a laugh and act like everything isn't fucked up for a day.
Then, come home, take my antibiotics & get into bed. God dam bed how i love it so.
-- for now though, positive thinking will get me through the day :)
<3 Have a lovely sunday folks.
Will be uploading my next set soon!