There has been far too many embarrassing moments in my life, bit of a kaotic mess sometimes!
I suppose it'd have to be when we had our leaving assembly, we were all sat in the 6form common room and being given awards for various things, silly things and serious awards.
I got 2 awards; whilst they looked through our year 7 mug shots i was given the award 'Football Face'
The 2nd i smiled through my teeth whilst walking to the front to take.. a stupid fucking wooden tree my form tutor had made to which he said meant 'Most time off school property when supposed to be in school' He didn't leave it at that no, he went on to add 'most of which spent on her knees'
The sheer cheek of it made me boil, my ears were burning and i just laughed along.
My form tutor was a laugh to be fair, let me get away with most, used to come into his classes stoned out my mind and he would make inappropriate jokes and not give a shit he had a sick sense of humour... had it been anyone else it'd have been hilarious and i am sure any members on here who went to my schools 6 form and see this HA bet you're laughing now!
So awkward
Just thought this picture worked, woodland area, on me knees like!