- on
- on lynnbelieve's video
- on octaviamay's blog post
- on kelseykaos's blog post
- on bitterrr's post on kelseykaos's page
- on My recent selfie in self-portraiture
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Or if you have been blocked from being able to comment and join new groups etc?
Struggling to find the answers or get involved on the site again as I wish to
Let me know guys and gals
Have you ever had moments in your life where you know your allowing something to happen that shouldn't, an action, behavior, words even but you let it happen anyway?
I don't know why I allow people to treat me shit and yet I still treat them well.
Honestly, its a downfall. I will care endlessly for human beings that crap on you everyday.
Being a...
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This is a tough one, which only draws attention to how many bad habits/habits in general that I possess!
Most recent habit to break and remake, smoking weed.
pretty gutted I managed to break the habit by councilling & group sessions daily, meetings, socializing with other addicts
Went gym changed my diet and my life all spurred from that one event
-- had a good...
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I like to still feel like I achieve things on rainy days. usually it isn't much mind!
_ I often rearrange/tidy/organize my room/belongings etc when the weather is shit and I am stuck in or apply for jobs, network & try to minimize admin so on bright days I can be out working/living
Rainy days are perfect for swimming as your already wet
Having a...
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I've always wanted to do this one. Now that I am back in full force, why the devil now?!
Height: 5 foot 8 'or so'
Age: 23
Eye color: Green and they look like landscapes or so my friend says 'rolling hills deep into the distance'
Sign: Cancer
Hair color: Stripped to gingery brown with tints of black and red from previous dyes
Favourite things/Hobbies:...
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what blogs would you like me to write to catch up on?
Choosing 10 to do :) to start with!