I don't wear make-up. And I think I look weird when I put it on and I don't know how to put it on myself. I can put it on other people juuuuuust fine but when it comes to me I suck at it, hahaha.
So I've decided to experiment and find something that works for those special occasions when I feel make-up is necessary.... Read More
I wish I could wear make-up without feeling awkward. I think I'm going to wear it one day, and then I put it on and my eyes feel all heavy and stuff and I hate it so much I wash it all off and start over with none.
haha i see no proof of boring :p if you dont want to cut it, you could just dye it blonde or black! ha! yeah im afraid id be the worse personal stylist ever, i always resort to the shaving machine :p
On Saturday I went on a ride-along with my dad! (He's a deputy for a sheriff's department) It was awesome. My dad is pretty much the coolest guy ever, and getting to hang with him all day while he was working and see him assert his law enforcing powers was awesome