So since this place just wants me to do something weird (not copy) when I click 'embed,' I'm just going to give you a link.
It's a pretty cool video if you ask me.
Oh, and some exciting news.....there may be an apartment for me (where I can bring Kunu!!!!!!) in less than a month. Only $130 in the north end, whoooo! It's a basement apt, but I could get used to that. It's pretty nice
and my papa told me he could make me some furniture. Haven't decided if I actually want it. Pros and cons to sort out.
In other news, Kunu has lost ten pounds
we had a stool sample sent to the lab and she has no parasites, but I can feel her spine and ribs the way I could when I got her. Sad. She's eating the same way she always has (a lot) but she cannot keep weight on. The vet isn't terribly concerned since she still has crazy huge muscles and isn't sluggish or sickly (no excessive or often vomiting and such) but I would like to see her the way she was ten pounds ago.
It's a pretty cool video if you ask me.
Oh, and some exciting news.....there may be an apartment for me (where I can bring Kunu!!!!!!) in less than a month. Only $130 in the north end, whoooo! It's a basement apt, but I could get used to that. It's pretty nice

In other news, Kunu has lost ten pounds

congrats about the potential apt.! think it over,
thanks for the amazing video.