Today was one of the saddest but best days! I got to the State Veteran's Home at 6:30 this morning to help hang the flags on the Road of Honor and it was so fun listening to the men talk about their lives then and now. But it was sad too, because they are all so lonely and hardly any of them have families that still visit them (if they even still have any family). And it's so sad because these are the men and women who sacrificed so much just so I could sit here and be able to type this. People just aren't very appreciative anymore. And you can tell when you walk into the vet's homes and you see all of them smile so big and tell you thank you for coming to visit and they're just the sweetest old men you could ever meet. And they give the greatest life advice ever.
It was so sad today..after the ceremonies were over and I brought Richard back to his room he grabbed my arm and said, "You're leaving already?" and it looked like he was going to cry. It was so sad
Oh, and if you haven't heard about the Gratitude Campaign, you should google it or something. It's a good way to say thanks when you see someone in uniform if you feel awkward actually coming out and saying it.
It was so sad today..after the ceremonies were over and I brought Richard back to his room he grabbed my arm and said, "You're leaving already?" and it looked like he was going to cry. It was so sad

Oh, and if you haven't heard about the Gratitude Campaign, you should google it or something. It's a good way to say thanks when you see someone in uniform if you feel awkward actually coming out and saying it.