For the next couple of weeks I will not be on here very much. Why?!
Because I am starting a class! And still working full-time!
Class starts at 6am daily, and I work from 3-11 daily.

So please forgive me if I do not reply to your messages or requests immediately, I will do my best during the week, and will be available on the weekends. I will think of you all daily, I promise! And maybe I'll take plenty of those 'Sexy Nurse' photos you have inquired about?
My birthday is this month, and I have no idea what to do, as clinicals will fall on that week and the next. But at least it is on a Friday! Maybe I'll be a rebel and let myself go to bed early?
Looking forward to my shoot in October in Portland...I have a couple ideas that I think you all will love, and we will see what works best. Besides, I haven't done a set myself in a YEAR. This vegetarian diet is making me pretty happy with my body, so it'll feel easier to just have fun.
(post script)
I am getting a new damn phone within a week. I cannot handle this cheapo piece of crap any more and have found a great plan. Finally, I will be able to do snapchat and IG and whatever else.
Pounces and neck bites