Did you see Ackley and Lylie on the Front Page today?! On Suicide Girls, nothing says 'Holiday' like a good multi! Someday, I am determined, that I will be in one with a lovely lady or two.
Got most of my octopus tattoo finished by a new local artist. Going back in a couple weeks to finish splaying out the purple background with more watercolor hues. Two kinds of pleasant pain: muscle aches after a good workout, and the pulling, scraped sensation of freshly tattoo'd skin!
The artist, Tony, based his work off of this:
And up next, we will start work on the leg 'sleeve' (?) of Amaterasu!
I am supposed to do a photo shoot with a lovely Hopeful this weekend, but haven't heard a confirmation from her. Any chance to get more experience is just thrilling, so I really hope she gets back with me!
Real Life:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
The situation with the bully at work has begun to be resolved. You see, we have no Lead Staff right now, and there has been to application slot opened up for it, so the Lead responsibilities have been dispensed among the Nursing Assistants in our patient base (divided into houses). There is an NAR that seems to think that this has become some sort of competition, so she talks down to the other Assistants, including the CNA's, who have higher levels of training and licenses than she does. So basically, she's being a bitch for no real reason at all, especially to me. Talking with the other CNAs, I could not really figure out why. Taking this girl aside, I asked what her problem with me was, and she said she
didn't "mean to have one" but I remind her of a girl in high school who was mean to her.
Silliness is what it is.
Little does this chick know, I am not interested in Lead Staff position. It is only a quarter more raise per hour (which in the Medical Field is a damn joke).
This girl seems to show particular interest in a 22 year-old girl in the Rehab program that she went to High School with. She spends all her time with this patient, and none of it involves her medications or appointments (or paperwork). All she does is help her with toileting and take her out to do fun things, like the movies or the water park. She ignores the other patients completely.
In front of a patient the other day (and a Doctor), we were both in the room doing medication rounds. I was flipping through our Medication Administration Record (MAR) and saw that she had signed for certain delegated tasks and a couple of meds which had not been given yet. I asked her why she chose to sign the MAR beforehand, and she said "I think proactively. You could benefit from taking more initiative."
I ripped her a new one.
The Doctor confirmed the facts: NEVER sign for a med unless you've given it, and NEVER sass someone with a License higher than yours. The girl got a little private talk with our RND.
She's still been a bit of a pain, but I feel quite a bit braver.
Last night, another CNA, Kim, and I were talking about an upcoming IISP Report (determining patients' tasks and mental state over the past year) for a particular patient, and she urged me to send a message to the Program Manager saying that I feel confident that I am the right choice to have for the Nursing Staff required to attend the evaluation (there can be only one bwah ha ha). I sent the message
Upcoming shoot that we are working on in October with SoBelle and I am trying to reserve my spot! I've missed the other PDX shoot fests, and am determined to make this one! I haven't modeled any sets for SG this year at all.
Don't worry, I am so ready to shoot again after a break. It will have been a year since I decided to take a modeling break. I think that is sufficient time to regroup my Hope and try again, don't you? Plus, it would be wonderful to see Toxic, Selene, Delaney_, Rosie, and Hemi_ again! If you haven't checked out SoBelle's photography work for the site, you really should! Over the past couple of years I've seen her photography get better and better and really like her style and attitude.
Have a safe and Happy Fourth of July!
Serenade the Dawn
L'amour et le Soleil
Fan Service
Kelpie Facebook - New Fan Page!
My Twitter (Previously Siriuss)
(When I get a new phone plan in September, I will put my IG here!)
this is Leanne, the therapy cat at work.
And I found this JUST FOR YOU, SG! 
Pretty funny and ballsy ... what, facebook (?) request. Hell I know you're hot and can see all the pics I want! lol my life rocks