I wish I could tell you the things going through my mind and heart. I'm trying to defeat the fear (which is completely unfounded) and insecurity.

All I know is that I would wither and die without him. And I am terrified of losing him.

Noone has ever meant this much to me; I think that's why I am scared. Well, I think it's because I lost someone who wasn't half as important to me and it devastated me, so in comparison I know my life would just be over.
OKAY, now that is over, the real purpose of this blog was to announce a couple of things.
*My new set has been bumped up and will be out November 18th at 7am, so look for it!

Second, my set in Member Review is quite close to 2300 votes, and still at 98%. <3 It would still blow my mind if they bought it, and I still really want to be Pink, so your love is appreciated!
This weekend, I really hope, will live up to the hype it does in my mind. Because after this week, this fucking week, I need to re-center myself and remember how awesome I can be by myself.
Oh! I forgot one more thing! Ladies...I got a new phone today with the same number, but I need your numbers! If you could text me your name so I could know whose boobs I'm getting it would be awesome! <3

