I haven't been up to much, so these are for you

I've been watching entirely too much tv and lurking the interwebs

this is a coconut octopus. I want him.

more smoke piling out of the hills near our home. It still hasn't stopped, and even on windy days there isn't much relief for my nose.

As usual, I must state that my set is still in Member Review, awaiting your love...three more little loves until it is at 2200.

My new set is still months away, what torture. I know that once you see it, you'll fall in love with it.

I've been catching up on The Walking Dead. All I can think, throughout this whole second season, is this: if my friend were attacked by a zombie and had clearly been bitten or was about to be torn to shreds, I would shoot them and instantly end their pain. And I would want my friends and family to do the same for me. Do you think some crazy burst of adrenaline will kick in and make the pain go away? I don't think so.
I do NOT like being scared. Halloween is great because I'm not scared of things like Death or darkness, but I admit that things I do not even believe in absolutely terrify the shit out of me. I do not watch ghost movies. I do not stay on channels that play previews for upcoming ghost movies. Give me zombies, vampires, or even video game-based movies (ghosts or not) and I will love it.
There have been numerous occasions where I have been snuck up on that I have either shut down into a sobbing, snotting mess of anxiety, and/or beat the living shit out of the offender then felt like a total dick afterward, even though it wasn't my fault.
In college I had a group of guy friends that I spent my weekends with playing video games. Resident Evil 4came out and we all decided to play through it in the dark. Ten or so of us piled into a teeny, hot dorm room at 3 in the morning (I wasn't supposed to be there, private Christian college and all). I had just snuck in and asked if I could have some game play time. I came in at the Lake. It was silent. I knew Del Lago was coming, was anticipating it at any second. My eyes widened and my heart thundered in my chest.
At the precise moment that Del Lago busts through the water, the asshole behind me jabbed me in the ribcage with his bony fingers.
I peed myself.
I peed myself, and clocked him in the face.
Blood and piss and tears.
Lucky bastard just got a split lip, but my knuckle was split, I was crying hysterically, and had wet myself.
I ran out of the dorm and hid in my car, and still managed to feel like an asshole because I had hit someone.
Anyway, I'll be in Seattle on the weekend of October 19-20th, planning on shooting with the magnificent Milloux. I can't tell you how excited I am for this opportunity I want to do something special and sexy for all of you. Not sure if you know this, but I love making you happy!