Because I love you all, I made you a present. You can't open it until December 5th at 7am, though, okay?
Don't shake the box.
...and that is all you get for now. Zebrah has a set coming out on the 3rd, so look for that one, she is a wonderful woman and a sexy Hopeful.
I have gotten a few wonderful things from my wishlist for my Birthday, from nirvash and from villalon. I will have to post some photos of them soon, they're very awesome! Still wondering what to do for my birthday-all my friends moved out of town so it's most likely nothing.
Fall is on the edge of being here. I say it isn't here yet because I can't find that beautiful crisp smell in the air that triggers a desire for granny sweaters with leggings and pumpkin chai lattes (is that oxytocin or norepinephrine based?). Why no lovely smell? Because of the wild fires ravaging our hills around the town--the smoke has been billowing into the valley where we live because of the mountain winds, and it is toxic outside. Miserable. Will I miss out on one of my favorite things about this season? It has consistently been my only comfort to end homesickness since I started living here. In Arkansas or Washington, fall smells the exact same, it's just more faint here. My ghost is gone and I fear I'll be devastated without her near me. Before you know it, Winter will be here-my second favorite ghost will be that electricity of being indoors with so many people, all taking refuge from the blizzards that frequent this area.
I look forward to nights where the ground is covered in snow but the sky is clear, so the moon illuminates the whole world and the ground glitters as it crunches underneath you. I always imagine I'm some kind of forest creature, making my way through the snow.
Despite my 'absence' over this week the love of Fan Service is still going strong, and I thank you for that. Also, thank you for the encouraging messages, emails, and texts. The SG community is so amazing
I am still going to be distant for a while-it is doing me well, and will be easier to do so with the date of my new set coming to MR. I, of course, will continue to answer messages and support my friends on their sets, which deserve some love- Fische, Fringe_, Hexxus, Pesky, Ramonne, Zebrah, Muerta and Sweet_Lu. No reason why all of these ladies shouldn't be SuicideGirls. I will take no excuses, you! Go be a hero and love their awesomeness!
Do you love Fall as well? How about impending Winter? Do you have someone to hold close and keep warm this year?
Don't shake the box.

...and that is all you get for now. Zebrah has a set coming out on the 3rd, so look for that one, she is a wonderful woman and a sexy Hopeful.
I have gotten a few wonderful things from my wishlist for my Birthday, from nirvash and from villalon. I will have to post some photos of them soon, they're very awesome! Still wondering what to do for my birthday-all my friends moved out of town so it's most likely nothing.

Fall is on the edge of being here. I say it isn't here yet because I can't find that beautiful crisp smell in the air that triggers a desire for granny sweaters with leggings and pumpkin chai lattes (is that oxytocin or norepinephrine based?). Why no lovely smell? Because of the wild fires ravaging our hills around the town--the smoke has been billowing into the valley where we live because of the mountain winds, and it is toxic outside. Miserable. Will I miss out on one of my favorite things about this season? It has consistently been my only comfort to end homesickness since I started living here. In Arkansas or Washington, fall smells the exact same, it's just more faint here. My ghost is gone and I fear I'll be devastated without her near me. Before you know it, Winter will be here-my second favorite ghost will be that electricity of being indoors with so many people, all taking refuge from the blizzards that frequent this area.
I look forward to nights where the ground is covered in snow but the sky is clear, so the moon illuminates the whole world and the ground glitters as it crunches underneath you. I always imagine I'm some kind of forest creature, making my way through the snow.

Despite my 'absence' over this week the love of Fan Service is still going strong, and I thank you for that. Also, thank you for the encouraging messages, emails, and texts. The SG community is so amazing

Do you love Fall as well? How about impending Winter? Do you have someone to hold close and keep warm this year?
It's going to be a chest piece that has Teresa's symbol from Claymore. She had this reluctant strength that resonated with me. And speaking of resonating, it will be surrounded by a semi circle of text that reads "A sound soul dwells with a sound mind and a sound body" from Soul Eater. In the middle will be kinda double helix-ey pattern that branches off to give the inside some character. ^_^