

There is an anime, my absolute favorite, called Mushi-shi. This anime is about a traveler (a Mushi Master) who aids people in their supernatural problems. People who believe they are plagued by ghosts or vengeful spirits are taught about Mushi. Mushi are simply a different type of organism, like any other flora or fauna in our world, that we share our environments with. In the anime they are portrayed as microorganisms or rivers of light. These organisms, because many cannot see them, are seen as ghosts by those that do not know any better. You can have a healthy relationship with mushi, or a bad one, just as you could with any plant or animal life. When you learn about the mushi indigenous to your area, you can learn how to coexist peacefully. Don't piss off the space amoebas or kodama (spirits you anger by cutting down trees), okay?!


Ugh my weekend has been full of work so far and a burnt out graphics card which I had to spend a ton to replace today. So I have an afternoon left, it can only get better :p
The boys are fine, they are back at their moms, the place I go to think is shut down because of a fire on the mountain... I don't know what's wrong with me... Well I know part of it... But why it's affecting me so much I don't understand...