I am truly blessed. I have wonderful friends. Ortus been listening to me blabber on about 'me me me' for the last couple of weeks and as if that wasn't enough, today I received an extra bit of love in the post.

You are wonderful
The journey to the Post Office is about 1.5 miles away. I walked there and back to pick up my lovely love filled gift, but when I arrived home, realised I had lost my wonderful scotty dog brooch that was attached my jacket collar. I was devastated (you know how precious I can be about my vintage finery) and decided to do the journey again in search of my lost little friend. With a concentration span as minuscule as mine, scouring the path for a prolonged period of time proved to be more effort than I had first imagined. I was about 50m away from the Post Office and had just about given up hope when I saw the wee fella giving me his green eyes from the pavement. Happy happy days. He is now back where he belongs.

You are wonderful

The journey to the Post Office is about 1.5 miles away. I walked there and back to pick up my lovely love filled gift, but when I arrived home, realised I had lost my wonderful scotty dog brooch that was attached my jacket collar. I was devastated (you know how precious I can be about my vintage finery) and decided to do the journey again in search of my lost little friend. With a concentration span as minuscule as mine, scouring the path for a prolonged period of time proved to be more effort than I had first imagined. I was about 50m away from the Post Office and had just about given up hope when I saw the wee fella giving me his green eyes from the pavement. Happy happy days. He is now back where he belongs.
I am not a fan of writing a big list list of weekend escapades so I will sum it up briefly (as I haven't said much of anything lately)
- Friday went to Sam's flat. Sat on balcony all night, got pissed. Went home, drank more etc...
- Saturday I went to Coy Pond, a little area by a river with weeping willows and grass and bugs. Read my book, took pictures, dreamt. Started massage job in the evening. Made enough money to last me exactly 24 hours. It should have lasted longer. Gave phone number to hot guy I massaged.
- Sunday, housework. Hate it with a passion. Sam came over with lots of 'hand-me-down' goodies including a bookcase, a 'Grow Your Own Lover' and a 'Cooking for Two' recipe book (nice). These were all overshadowed by the smoked salmon, cream cheese and avocado ciabatta she bought me. Checked voice mail and realised that hot guy had called already. Went for dinner in the evening, ate ridiculous amounts of tapas and meze and drank wine.
For those wondering, after much pondering I have decided not to call hot guy back. I may make an MP3 of the voice mail so you can hear why.
Message ends.
Edit: The voice mail file is now available on request. Yes. I am a complete bitch.
My camcorder arrived. Would it cheer you up if I was to promise to make you a daft video over the weekend?
A montage to Slippery Dick? I'm sure I can work with that.