Inside everyone is a loser afraid to be loved, and out there is the one person who can kiss us and make all better.
- Quote from an extremely uncool chick flick, but true all the same.
The weekend may or may not be good. It is dependent on whether I can be bothered to drag my lazy ass out and on whether this current hangover has eaten the last few shreds of my personality.
Another one day festival tomorrow (and work, unfortunately) and another jumble sale on Sunday. Nothing brings me quite as much joy as selling dead old ladies (aka vintage, so as not to scare the customers) clothing for a 300% profit. Well, apart from the sex. Of which I am getting little to none.
For those of you who, like me, have a dull and thankless job at a desk may I point you in this direction. You answer other user's film questions and write your own. You may find some of mine in there. Get studying on 80s and Korean movies and erm, Caroline Cummings....?
Now, as I type, I'm having an MSN conversation with an ex of mine. To cut a long story short we met before I moved to Bournemouth, he followed, decided he was gay, left me but stayed in Bournemouth. Despite everything we went through he feels our defining moments revolve around when he was working night shifts and I'd make him a joint every morning for when he came home. I really have no words to describe how utterly ridiculous he is.
And yes, I turned a man gay!
Message ends.
- Quote from an extremely uncool chick flick, but true all the same.
The weekend may or may not be good. It is dependent on whether I can be bothered to drag my lazy ass out and on whether this current hangover has eaten the last few shreds of my personality.
Another one day festival tomorrow (and work, unfortunately) and another jumble sale on Sunday. Nothing brings me quite as much joy as selling dead old ladies (aka vintage, so as not to scare the customers) clothing for a 300% profit. Well, apart from the sex. Of which I am getting little to none.
For those of you who, like me, have a dull and thankless job at a desk may I point you in this direction. You answer other user's film questions and write your own. You may find some of mine in there. Get studying on 80s and Korean movies and erm, Caroline Cummings....?
Now, as I type, I'm having an MSN conversation with an ex of mine. To cut a long story short we met before I moved to Bournemouth, he followed, decided he was gay, left me but stayed in Bournemouth. Despite everything we went through he feels our defining moments revolve around when he was working night shifts and I'd make him a joint every morning for when he came home. I really have no words to describe how utterly ridiculous he is.
And yes, I turned a man gay!
Message ends.
Now, Kelly, I could see you turning a gay man staright, but not the other way around!

being rad should be raison enough